BREAKING: FBI Director James Comey Fired by Trump - NOW WE CALL!

Our democracy has never faced a greater threat. With no one left in charge of the investigation, it is now up to Congress and the people of the United States to get loud and be prepared for bold action.

Call every Senate Intelligence Committee member and demand two things:

1. Demand the committee question James Comey in an OPEN hearing this Thursday. His testimony was scheduled to be closed. We the people demand that former FBI Director, James Comey’s non-classified testimony be made public. 

2. Demand the immediate appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia and their interference in our election.

Senate Intelligence Committee Members
Chairman Richard Burr (R) North Carolina -- 202-224-3154 / 828-350-2437
Minority leader Mark Warner (D), Virginia -- 202-224-2023 / 804-775-2314

Republican members
James Risch, Idaho -- 202-224-2752 / 208-342-7985
Marco Rubio, Florida -- 202-224-3041 / 305-418-8553
Susan Collins, Maine -- 202-224-2523 / 207-622-8414
Roy Blunt, Missouri -- 202-224-5721 / 314-727-3548
James Lankford, Oklahoma -- 202-224-5754 / 405-231-4941
Tom Cotton, Arkansas --202-224-2353 / 479-751-0879
John Cornyn, Texas -- 202-224-2934 / 512-469-6034

Democratic members:
Dianne Feinstein, California -- 202-224-3841 / 310-914-7300
Ron Wyden, Oregon -- 202-224-5244 / 503-326-7525
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico -- 202-224-5521 / 505-346-6601
Angus King, Maine -- 202-224-5344 / 207-622-8292
Joe Manchin, West Virginia -- 202-224-3954 / 304-342-5855
Kamala Harris, California -- 202-224-3553 / 213-894-5000

3.  Call DOJ 202/514-2000, option 4 and be patient through recording. Demand an independent prosecutor and that no Senate business take place until the independent proscecutor is in place.

VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE TODAY for Georgia's 6th Special Election!!!

Georgia's 6th District (GA-06)

Special Election - April 18th - Voter Registration Ends Monday, March 20

Jon Ossoff is running to replace Tom Price in Georgia's 6th Congressional District.  In a special election to be held on April 18th, this is our first real opportunity to elect a Democrat and swing a House district left.

Spread the word about today's voter registration deadline.  Find out more about how you can help in Georgia by phone banking and more at  and sign up for emails HERE.

Read more about Ossoff from the AJC.


help turn the Connecticut Senate Blue!

TOMORROW!!!!  On Tuesday February 28, CT will hold a special election.  In nearby district 32, we can help get out the vote and help turn the CT State Senate Blue!

Learn more at Greg Cava's Webpage and sign up to Volunteer!

From The Daily Kos:


Prior to the November 2016 election Democrats enjoyed a 21-15 majority in the State Senate. Republicans gained 3 seats to tie the chamber at 18-18. Two vacancies arose since the election, one Democrat, and one Republican seat. Whoever wins these races could determine which party controls the chamber.

Special elections are notorious for their remarkably low turnout and low turnout elections all tend to favor the Republican on the ballot. We must engage in these races to drive turnout as much as possible. And there is little time. Below are the Democratic candidates that need your support. If you are in the New England states these races I am certain could use your help.

Senate District 32 was formerly a Republican seat and House District 115 poses the hardest seat to win of the 3 (according to a local kossak). I am sure they can all use help though.

I believe there is public financing for these state races in Connecticut.

January 30 - CALL, CALL and CALL!!

Remember to make sure you are on our email list so don't miss anything!


january 26 - READ!

Keep making calls!!  Focus on Tom Price (HHS), Jeff Sessions (AG) and Betsy DeVos (Education).

Here is some reading about what makes these nominations so dangerous:

Tom Price

Jeff Sessions

KEEP READING! SUBSCRIBE TO A REPUTABLE NEWS OUTLET (eg. The Guardian, Washington Post, New York Times)  These are now acts of resistance. Trump issued a gag order on federal agencies earlier this week, including the EPA, National Institute of Health, and others. You can read about it here:…/daily-202-11-stories-from-… and…/9daa6aa4-e26f-11e6-ba11-63… and here:…/9daa6aa4-e26f-11e6-ba11-63…

January 25 - ACTIONS

1) Yesterday was crammed full of hearings. CALL your senators today and prioritize the top candidates you find most objectionable. My suggestions are as follows. I've settled on these three because in my opinion, these are the nominees I think we have the most likelihood of blocking.

Tom Price as HHS Secretary, about whom you can read more here:…/ten-reasons-why-tom-price-as-health-an…  You can also join with Senate Democrats' call to investigate Price's ethical conflicts of interest and potential violation of the STOCK Act.

Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, about whom you can read the latest press from the ACLU here:…/sen-jeff-sessions-trumps-nominee-att… Sessions is also additionally worrisome because of Trump's plan to investigate the voter fraud that never happened:…/trump-seeks-major-invest…/…

Betsy "grizzly bears" DeVos as Secretary of Education, about whom you can read more here:…/whats-the-worst-that-cou…/…
Obviously Scott Pruitt, Rick Perry, Rex Tillerson, Andy Puzder, and let's face it, all of them, are deeply objectionable and worrisome, but these three already have large groundswells against them.

2) READ. EDUCATE YOURSELF. These are now acts of resistance. Trump issued a gag order on federal agencies yesterday. You can read about it here:…/9daa6aa4-e26f-11e6-ba11-63…and here:…/9daa6aa4-e26f-11e6-ba11-63…  SUBSCRIBE TO QUALITY PAPERS TO SUPPORT OUR FREE AND FAIR PRESS. THIS IS NOT A TEST. And find independent non-US news outlets to err on the side of caution. The Guardian has been on its game lately.

3) LIKE Caring for Us on Facebook to stay up to date with what's going on with the Affordable Care Act, why you should care, and how you can help. Our first event is this Saturday, and you can find the event page here:

4) VOICE YOUR SUPPORT of the Affordable Care Act, which Trump dealt a blow with Friday's executive order that weakened the individual mandate upon which the system rests. See here:…/1afb3500-e046-11e6-ad42-f3…
And here:…
Also SIGN this petition to demand that Republicans not repeal the ACA:

5) Our healthcare at home and women's and girl's healthcare around the world are in serious peril. READ up about Trump's reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule and why it's even more devastating now that it had been when previous Republican presidents instantiated it. CALL your representatives and urge them to denounce the Global Gag Rule and publicly stand with Planned Parenthood. Want to do more to help protect Planned Parenthood? SIGN UP to become a Planned Parenthood Defender here:…/pp_ppaf_IStandWithPP_0117_Gui…

6) It is unacceptable that Trump has still not released his tax returns or divested from his businesses. SIGN these petitions to register your demand that he do so.…/immediately-release-dona……/divest-or-put-blind-trus…